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AMP Pest Control

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The common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) is a familiar and much feared social insect, often taking the edge off many an otherwise happy garden party or barbecue with their incessant behaviour. They are found in a wide range of habitats and, as well being common in gardens, are also found in woodlands and meadows.

Why it is a pest

The main reason that wasps are so feared is of course their sting, which can be quite painful and can be used more than once (unlike those of bees). The sting has evolved from a modified ovipositorr, a structure used in egg-laying, and so only workers (which are all females) are able to sting.

The common wasp usually forms large colonies below ground, but occasionally nests may be made in wall cavities, hollow trees and attics. Queens emerge from hibernation during the spring, and they search for a suitable location in which to start a new colony. She then begins to build the nest with chewed up wood pulp which dries to make a papery substance. A few eggs are laid, which develop into non-reproductive workers. These workers eventually take over the care of the nest and the queen's life is then devoted solely to egg laying. At the end of autumn, a number of eggs develop into new queens and males which leave the nest and mate. The new queens seek out suitable places in which to hibernate and the males, and the old colony (including the old queen), then die.

Biology of the Pest

They are quite large insects at around 2cm in length, with an obvious 'waist' between the thorax and abdomen. They have bright yellow and black bands along the body, two pairs of wings and fairly long, robust antennae. The sting is located at the tip of the abdomen. The queens (reproductive females) are larger than workers (non-reproductive females).

Signs of Pest Presence

Removal Methods

The removal of a wasps nest is a delicate operation. We have the equipment and skills necessary to ensure safe removal of a wasps nest without risk of being severely stung.

The removal of a wasps nest is a delicate operation. We have the equipment and skills necessary to ensure safe removal of a wasps nest without risk of being severely stung.

We also offer a Re-Treatment Guarantee which applies to visbile Wasp Nests Only.

Whether you need help with a one-off pest removal, or are looking for regular service visits to minimise the possibility of a pest infestation causing impact on your business...

Call us on 07939964443
Prevention is better than Cure - Working with the Environment